Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Awards and Polititians

Que. :- The only person to win both an Oscar and a Nobel prize was 
Ans. :- George Bernard Shaw

Que. :- Who is also known as the Father of Indian Nuclear Science 
Ans. :- Homi Jehangir Bhabha

Que. :- Who was the first person to reach the South Pole 
Ans. :- Captain Roald Amundsen

Que. :- Who was the first President of the Indian National Congress 
Ans. :- W.C. Banerjee

Que. :- Who Won the Nobel prize in both physics and chemistry 
Ans. :- Marie curie

Que. :- Who is the only person to be honored with both 'Bharat Ratna' and 'Nishan-e-Pakistan', the highest civilian awards of India and Pakistan respectively 
Ans. :- Morarji Desai

Que. :- Who was the first Indian to go into space
Ans. :- Rakesh Sharma

Que. :- An English chemist and physicist, after whom the SI unit of capacitance is named
Ans. :- Sir Michael Faraday

Que. :- Which actor has been portrayed most on screen by other actors 
Ans. :- Charlie Chaplain

Que. :- Edvige Antonia Albina Maino is the real name of which politician 
Ans. :- Sonia Gandhi

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